Photograph of Alison Peck
Photo: Alison Peck

New Chair for the Guild

Photograph of Alison Peck

Your Board is delighted to have accepted Alison Peck’s offer to act as Chair of the Guild until Convention 2025.

Alison will use her enthusiasm and considerable skills to lead and coordinate the work of the Board.

Alison has been a member of the Board for almost six years, is the editor of Across the Needlebed, and was the Guild’s Treasurer until 2024. She has also contributed machine knitting workshops at Conventions.


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Convention 2025 Keynote 1: TBD

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Continue ReadingConvention 2025 Keynote 1: TBD

KCG2401 – The Fashionable Craft: A fresh Look at Machine Knitting – Vikki Haffenden

In this talk given at Convention 2024 Vikki Haffenden shares some of her thoughts about how her books are contributing to the current resurgence of interest in machine knitting. (1h)


In this talk given at Convention 2024 Vikki Haffenden shares some of her thoughts about how her books are contributing to the current resurgence of interest in machine knitting. (1h)


Continue ReadingKCG2401 – The Fashionable Craft: A fresh Look at Machine Knitting – Vikki Haffenden

KCG2402 – Crochet, Craft & Community – Sue Maton

Using examples of her designs, and course members’ work, Sue explains her design process, what inspires and drives her, and how she sees her work developing in the future. This talk was given at Convention 2024. (54m)


Using examples of her designs, and course members’ work, Sue explains her design process, what inspires and drives her, and how she sees her work developing in the future. This talk was given at Convention 2024. (54m)


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