The Knitting & Crochet Guild is run solely by volunteers and it takes an army of people to ensure the smooth running of it all.
If you’d like to help, in any capacity, we’d like to hear from you! There are a variety of roles to choose from to suit your availability and lifestyle. Please use the contact form to contact the Chair.
We know that there are a number of reasons why people volunteer too, so if you’re looking for a short term role, something you can do from home, to learn a skill or share your expertise, let us know by using the contact form to contact our Chair. We often have upcoming roles or things we’re working on that we might be able to offer you.
You must be a member of the Knitting & Crochet Guild to take on any of these roles.
We’re looking for a Chair to take over the role from September 2024 (following the AGM). This role requires a regular, ongoing weekly commitment. Ideally you’ll have experience managing teams, overseeing projects and chairing committees, and will join the Board prior to September to shadow the current Chair. For further info, please contact the chair using the contact form.
Diversity & Inclusion Director
If you are interested in joining the board, we are especially interested in a volunteer with experience in working in diversity and inclusion. we would like this person to broaden our reach and the audiences the Guild engages with. The role would have a broad overview of all of the Guild’s activities. To express your interest, please contact the chair using the contact form.
Membership Secretary
We’re looking for a volunteer Membership Secretary (a Director on the Board). The role is resonsible for leading on membership issues, and includes managing our membership database (Sheep) on a day-to-day basis and responding to queries from members in a timely way.
You will need to have some experience in using databases/spreadsheets but training and support in using Sheep will be available.
For further information please contact Catherine Scott, Membership Secretary, using the contact form.
Assistant Secretary
We are looking for an organised and efficient administrator to help the Secretary of the Knitting & Crochet Guild in keeping the Board accountable and overseeing all company secretarial tasks.
The time commitment for this role is around 15 hours per month (some weeks will be busier than others), working from home, and there are plenty of opportunities to get involved in project working groups too. You will need to be available for monthly Board meetings (usually about an hour and a half long and held via Zoom).
As the Guild is both a registered charity and a limited company, you will be required to become both a Trustee and a Director.
Download the Secretary job description.
If you’re an experienced administrator and are looking to volunteer at Board level, please contact our Chair using the contact form to find out more about the role.
Collections Team
Volunteers are always welcome to help with our Collection. It is a great way to see parts of the Collection close up and to handle the items that would not normally be accessible in a museum or gallery context.
You can find out more about what volunteers do on the Collection Team volunteering page.