Our Collections Team is eager to share the delights of our Collection with members and the public through a series of Open Days and Drop-In Days.

A Drop-In day is very informal, where you can visit the Collection and talk with the members of the Collections Team about what they do and the items they care for.

Open Days are less frequent and members of the Collections Team prepare a display of a small selection of objects from the Collection as well as being available to talk about what they do.

Planned Open Days and Drop-In days.

Click on the image for an Open Day or Drop-In Day to see more information.

  • Collection Heritage Open Day – Tuesday 10 September 2024

    K&CG heart and Collection shelving with mannequin dressed in colourful intarsia jumper

    Come and see how we care for and store our Collection of knitted and crochet items, tools and documents that support the crafts. Talk with our expert volunteers about how we are preserving this history of our crafts, and learn more about the Guild.

  • Yarn Sale at Britannia Mill – 5 October 2024

    K&CG heart "The Collection" with photo of boxes in the Collection store

    Come and see how we care for and store our Collection of knitted and crochet items, tools and documents that support the crafts. Talk with our expert volunteers about how we are preserving this history of our crafts, and learn more about the Guild.

  • Collection Open Day – 9 November 2024

    K&CG heart and Collection shelving with mannequin dressed in colourful intarsia jumper

    Come and see how we care for and store our Collection of knitted and crochet items, tools and documents that support the crafts. Talk with our expert volunteers about how we are preserving this history of our crafts, and learn more about the Guild.


The Collection is housed on the First Floor of the building. The stairs are steep and there is no lift.

Visiting Britannia Mill

Details about how to visit Britannia Mill are available on the Visiting Britannia Mill page.