Begin to spin using a drop spindle with Lynda Fiendly

Tutor: Lynda Fiendly
Craft: General
Experience: Beginner

Room: Yew Tree Hall
Summary: An introduction to using a top whorl drop spindle.


Drop spindle
Photo credit: Lynda Fiendley

In this workshop, Lynda will introduce the top whorl drop spindle, and show how you can start spinning easily. In the time available, the aim will be to learn how to:

  • Spin a ‘single’ yarn.
  • Wind the spun single into a centre pull ball using a nostepinne.

Ply the single yarn into a balanced plied yarn.

About the tutor

Photo of Lynda Fiendley
Photo credit: Lynda Fiendley

Lynda is a retired teacher, with a lifelong passion for fibre crafts, including spinning, weaving, crochet and hand and machine knitting. She has been spinning for over 10 years, having learned on a wheel, but later transferring her skills to the drop spindle [oddly the reverse of most people’s experience]. She uses a spindle to spin yarn for knitting and weaving and loves its simplicity.

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