Featured articles: “Shetland lace sails”, “Unbelievable Uzbekistan”, “Kornäs sweaters”.
- A lacy stitch from a vintage pattern
- Book reviews
- Did you know?
- Finishing techniques
- Handy machine-knitted pockets
- Korsnäs sweaters
- More Jubilee creations
- Machine-knitted diagonal pockets
- North Atlantic knitting
- Shetland lace sails
- The gift of stash
- To frog or not to frog
- Two-colour moss stitch
- Unbelievable Uzbekistan
The Guild
- Branch Reports
- Contributions to Slipknot
- Directors and post-holders
- From the Chair
- From the Editor
- Missing Slipknots
- Running a show stand
- KCG Lottery winner
Cover image is Shetland Lace sails.