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- UK Region: South East, London, South West, East, East Midlands, West Midlands, Wales, Yorkshire & Humberside, North West, North East, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Online, Europe, Rest of world
- Event type: Collection Open Day, Conference, Exhibition, Show, Talk, Visit
- Event Organiser: Guild, Guild Branch
- Classes and workshops: Hand knitting, Machine knitting, Crochet
Organisers offering discounts to Guild members (click on an image to go the the page with details of the offer)
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SW Branches tour of Coldharbour Mill – 26 Nov 2024
26 November 2024 @ 10:30 am – 2:00 pm

The southwest branches of the Knitting & Crochet Guild have arranged a joint trip to visit Coldharbour Mill on Tuesday 26 November.
Coldharbour Mill is one of the oldest woollen mills in the UK having been in continuous production since 1797. Originally owned by world-renowned textile producers Fox Brothers, the mill took fleece from all over the world and transformed it into yarn, cloth and textiles. Today the rich heritage lives on as one of the finest working wool museums where visitors are not just able to relive the sights and sounds of the industrial revolution but also see crafts men and women making traditional textiles, beautiful knitting yarn and woven cloth. Read more about Coldharbour Mill here.
Our visit will include a guided tour of the mill and lunch. After lunch you will be free to explore the mill and grounds individually. There is also a shop selling yarn, tartan and other textiles created onsite.
Attendees will need to make their own way to Coldharbour Mill. There is free parking at the mill for anyone who drives. The mill is also accessible by train to Tiverton Parkway station, and from there it’s a 9 minute taxi ride. Please try to car-share with other members from your branch or arrange to share a taxi from the station where possible.
Please use the booking form to request a place on the tour. If you are booking for more than one person, please complete a form for each. After you submit you form you should see a confirmation screen (after, perhaps, having to complete a Captcha) and receive an email confirming what you asked for. If you have problems using the booking form, please contact the organiser (details below). After your form had beenreceived you will be contacted to arrange payment.
Bristol Branch