Seek inspiration from our Patrons, well- and less well- known designers, patterns and objects in our Collection, or museums and exhibitions.
Our Patrons

See our Patrons and find out how they have influenced knitting and crochet on our “Patrons” page.
Inspirational designers

Explore the work of designers on our “Inspirational Designers” page.
Interviews with designers

We have interviewed designers to find out more about their motivation. Find out more on our “Interviews with designers” page.
Members who are designers

Several of our members are also designers. Find out more about some of them on our “Designer members” page.
Patterns from the Collection

Find inspiration on our Patterns from the Collection page.
Suggestions from our members
New Year, New Inspiration!
Look at our patterns on Ravelry

Did you know we have patterns on Ravelry that have been contributed by our members. Why not use one for your next project?
Proceeds from the sales are used to support Guild activities.