Yarn by the Water

Shop No discounts offered to members.
Location: 80 High Street, Brentford, TW8 8AE (visits by appointment)
Website: yarnbythewater.com
Email: info@yarnbythewater.com

Shelving with balls of yarn.
Image credit: Yarn by the Water

All of the yarns curated by Yarn on the Water are plastic-free natural yarns with a focus on organic, hand dyed, British yarns.

Yarn on the water only deliver to the UK to keep the air miles to a minimum.

The shop can be found online, but is also available for shopping in person by appointment at its Knitting Workshop. This also offers in-person classes introducing people to knitting as well as guiding them through more complex knitting techniques. Plus, private Knitting Confidence Booster appointments for those needing a bit of a helping hand to get them started with their next knitting project.