SK174 – Slipknot – March 2022

“Mystery solved”, “Shawl design”, “Knitting Trove” and “Collection News”.



  • Afterthought sock heels
  • A Knitter’s Guide to Shawl Design
  • Back to the future
  • Book reviews
  • Did you know?
  • Knitting to suit the buttons
  • Knitting trove
  • Our favourite knitting and crochet books – part 2
  • Retrospective book review
  • News from the KCG Collection
  • Mystery Solved, with grateful thanks to Debbie Abrahams
  • Travels with knitting and crochet
  • Using knitting and crochet to enhance your wellbeing

The Guild

  • Branch reports
  • Contributions to Slipknot
  • Convention 2022
  • Directors and post-holders
  • From the Editor
  • KCG Lottery winner
  • Message from the Board