By providing information on this contact form you give us permission to publish or change the information about your shop on our website.

Name of the person we should contact about the website entry (normally the shop owner or manager)
This is the email address that you would like us to reply to.
If you would like us to reply by telephone, please put your phone number here.
Please tell us the name of your Yarn Shop
What action you would like us to take
If the name of your shop has changed, please tell us the previous name
Please give us the street address(es) of your yarn shop(s).
Phone number for us to publish for your shop
The email address that you want customers to use
Please include your website and any other URLs you want us to show on the website
A brief outline of what your shop specialises in. Include your "USP" to attract shoppers.
If so, let us know so we can that section of our website.
Please paste links to images that you would like us to use to illustrate your entry on our website. By placing an entry here you give us permission to download a copy of the image(s) and to publish it/them on our website.
Please give details of any additional benefits or discounts you are able to offer Guild members, and how those members can claim them.
So that we can contact you for more information.
Selected Value: 0
We would appreciate you displaying a poster in your shop. You do not need to ask for any, but if you do ask you can choose multiples of 2 up to a maximum of 10.
Selected Value: 0
Number of flyers you would like. You do not need to ask for any, but you can ask for multiples of 25 up to 250.
Please respond "no" if you do not want a copy of our Slipknot publication. We don't charge Local Yarn Shops for publishing their information on our website, but we have to pay for each copy of Slipknot we send.