The A to Z of getting involved
There are many ways to get involved with the activities of the Guild. Have you tried any of the following?
A | Attend Convention and the AGM; bring your unwanted stash to the Yarn Amnesty. |
B | Be a member of one of our Branches or start a Branch in your area. |
C | Learn to Crochet; Celebrate your work and your craft skills. |
D | Design a competition Entry, or a pattern that could raise funds for the Guild; Donate to Guild funds or donate a prize for our Convention Raffle; become a Director. Try Double Filet crochet. |
E | Encourage others to join the Guild. |
F | BeFriend another Guild member. |
G | If you are eligible, make sure you’re signed up for Gift Aid; Go to a yarn show; Ghost writing i.e. someone writes and article on your behalf. |
H | Celebrate a Happy Birthday: ask friends to donate to KCG instead of giving a gift. Host a fundraising event for the Guild. |
I | Invent a new crochet edging and tell others about it; Invite local press to events; Inspire others with your creations. |
J | Join a new Branch – you can join more than one! |
K | Knit a small gift for a friend who doesn’t knit and enthuse them about our craft; Knit in Public Day in June worldwide. |
L | Tell your Local Yarn Store all about K&CG. |
M | Manage a stand at one of the knitting shows where K&CG has a stand. |
N | Try a New technique; write a piece for Slipknot about how you got on. |
O | Organise a fund-raising event for K&CG; attend one of our Open Days at Britannia Mill. |
P | Promote of the Guild with Photos! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Ravelry and more; become a Post holder; knit or crochet in Public all year round. |
Q | Hold a Quiz night to raise funds for K&CG. |
R | Research an aspect of knitting/crochet history; Read our website; hold or attend a Regional day. |
S | Send a photo of your work to Slipknot; Share your skills; Support your favourite charity by contributing to their projects, e.g. hats for the homeless. |
T | Teach someone to knit or crochet; go on Trips with other Guild members; share your top crafting Tips. |
U | Undertake a task for K&CG. |
V | Visit our Collection at Britannia Mill; connect with other members via a Virtual group; become a Volunteer for the Guild. |
W | Write an article for Slipknot; organise a regional Workshop. |
X | Knit and crochet gifts for Xmas. |
Y | Try a new Yarn and tell us how it worked; Support our Yarn shops and Yarn shows. |
Z | Sew a Zip into your garment beautifully; Have a Zoom meeting with other crafters. |