Making and using T-shirt yarn with Clare Griffel
Tutor: Clare Griffel
Craft: Hand Knitting, Crochet
Experience: Basic
Summary: Learn the best way to make old T-shirts into yarn, and make a start on knitting or crocheting an item using the yarn.
Topics on learning hand knitting
Tutor: Clare Griffel
Craft: Hand Knitting, Crochet
Experience: Basic
Summary: Learn the best way to make old T-shirts into yarn, and make a start on knitting or crocheting an item using the yarn.
Tutor: Rachel Lemon
Craft: Hand Knitting
Experience: Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced
Summary: You don’t have to cast on or off in the same manner for every item you knit – how stretchy do you want your rib? Fancy knitting toe-up socks? We’ll cover ribs, crochet and casting-on in two directions at once. I’ll have samples so you can choose which to try.
Tutor: Steve Foreman
Craft: Hand Knitting
Experience: Confident Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced
Summary: After this workshop you will be able to use a chart, plan your intarsia project, and knit motifs using intarsia when knitting flat. If you are experienced in knitting in the round and knitting flat intarsia there may be time for you to learn intarsia in the round.
Different stitches in knitting produce different textures and patterns, but also affect the way the fabric pulls up, pulls in, makes it thicker or thinner, and therefore can be a great design tool for shaping your designs from within the structure. Explore how you can use this in your knitting. Skill level: all. Tutor: Alison Ellen
Patchwork knitting is a technique that is simple, multi-directional, good for using remnants of yarn and makes good use of colour. Skill level: Beginner. Tutor: Lynda Fieldley
Learn about thrummed knitting that produces a warm felted lining to an item. Skill level: Beginner. Your tutor for this workshop is Clare Griffel.
A steek is the area around a cut in a knitted fabric. This workshop gives you the skills to make your cut with confidence. Skill level: Intermediate. Tutor: Steve Foreman.
Making a shawl by Judith Morley Photographs courtesy of Elisabeth Wilkinson The yarn My friend Jane gave me a skein of beautiful yarn, a cashmere and silk mix in a…
What are the defining characteristics of lace knitting/knitted lace? The essential building block of a knitted lace fabric is a 1 or 2 stitch decrease accompanied by a yarn over…
A charting system is ideally suited to convey visually stitch by stitch, row by row instructions for a knitted lace pattern. In many cases, written instructions are also provided, but…