Hand knitting, crochet, sewing, patchwork and quilting.
Guild Branch.
Blackbridge Community Centre, Three Acres, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RS.
A friendly and supportive group for crochet, knitting and other crafts
We meet once a month on a Saturday morning from 10am till 1pm to crochet, knit, craft and chat. Newbies always welcome and we can get you started straight away with crochet or knitting. We are very supportive and each session we have a quick show and tell and then a raffle to end with.
Tea, coffees and biscuits are included in the £10 cost for each session.
Come along and make new friends and maybe learn something new too.
We also have ready, steady, crochet kits available to purchase on the day for beginners.
Free parking and disabled parking too. Ground floor class.
Any questions at all please do contact Debbie Jarvis at djj5748@gmail.com.
Cost: £10 per session
Meeting dates
Once a month on Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm.
2024 dates
11th May, 8th June, 6th July, 10th Aug, 7th Sept, 12th Oct, 9th Nov, 14th Dec.
2025 dates
11th Jan, 8th Feb.
Find out more
Coordinator: Debbie Jarvis
Email: djj5748@gmail.com
Phone: 07745520426
Join the “Crafty Workshops” Facebook group for more information.