Lily Kate France – ‘Knitting & STEM & Social Media’

Speaker: Lilly Kate France
Craft: General
Experience: All abilities
Summary: Lily will discuss the considerable overlap on the science / creativity Venn diagram and how it impacts her work


Model wearing brown slipover
Photo credit: Lily Kate France

Beyond A-levels, Lily has no formal qualifications in textiles, and actually studied Astronomy & Planetary Sciences. Everything she has learnt about knitting, garment construction, pattern writing and running a business has been entirely through books and trial & error. She is yet to apply her degree to a related job. However, Lily doesn’t regret it for a second, as the last 10 years have taught her that the creative and technical parts of the brain are complementary, not contradictory. A neuropsychologist she is not, so her talk won’t be along those lines, but Lily will discuss the considerable overlap on the science / creativity Venn diagram and how it impacts her work.

About the speaker

Photo of Lily Kate France wearing her red scarf
Photo credit: Lily Kate France

Lily Kate France is a Lancashire based knitwear designer. Since knitting her first stitches at 8 years old she has barely put down the needles, and she is very grateful to have been able to turn her childhood hobby into a career. At the ripe old age of 26 Lily been designing on and off for around 15 years – first alongside school, then A-levels, then side-by-side with an Astronomy & Planetary Sciences degree with modelling and photography work here and there. Lily is a creative jack of all trades who likes to shout from the rooftops about knitting.

Instagram Instagram: lilykatefrance

Ravelry Ravelry: Lily Kate France (designer)
