Tutor: Judy Jones
Craft: Hand Knitting, Crochet
Experience: Beginner
Room: Beech 3
Summary: The workshop will cover Finger knitting, Arm knitting, Sociable Knitting and Crochet. This is aimed to help members who are Knitting in Public to engage with the visitors and encourage participation and learn a new skill.

Finger Knitting can be taught to any person from 5 to 95 years; some children find it very addictive. A short piece of knitted tube will be made and ideas given for its end use.
Arm knitting can be taught to older children and adults. A piece of loose knitting will be made which could be fashioned into a neck cowl.
Sociable Knitting and Crochet is a way of knitting in a group of 4 and will achieve a square throw. Suitable to introduce complete non-knitters to the craft while engaging with the group. Usually this causes some intrigue to visitors.
Participants will have a chance to knit and/or crochet.
Instructions and hints will be given as to how to prepare for all the above and to run your own demonstration.
About the tutor

Judy has been a member of the Guild for over 30 years and running the Cheshire Branch for nearly as long. Before retirement she taught Craft and Textile courses mainly Machine Knitting, Crochet and Weaving. Judy always has some knitting and crochet on the go and enjoy learning new techniques.
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