The Knitting & Crochet has a large number of affiliated Branches that are coordinated by our Branch management team.

Please use the form on this page to contact the Branch management team. However, if you are trying to send us changes of your Branch details or to tell us more about one that you are offering to create, please use our Branch and Group update form.

Choose the option that is closest to the reason you want to contact our Branches team.
The name you would like us to use when replying to you. If you are a member, please use the same name as you use for your membership.
This is the email address that you would like us to reply to.
If you would like us to reply by telephone, please put your phone number here.
Please tell us where you are interested in a Branch so that we know what may be around you. Please tell us a city/town name and county - or "Online" if you are only interested in working online.
Please describe what you are asking use to do for you.