On our website we publish details about groups that support hand knitting, machine knitting or crochet. Branches are affiliated to the Guild, but there is no connection between the Guild and local groups. Local groups are listed free of charge as a service to our members and the public.

If you are responsible for a Branch or local group, please use this for to provide or update details for us to publish on the website. We reserve the right to edit or not publish details of groups.

Please tell us about the type of change you want to make
Please tell us who you are. You should be the organiser of the group. If you are updating the information about a Branch you must be a member of the Knitting & Crochet Guild.
If you are a member of the Knitting & Crochet Guild, please use the email address that our membership system uses to communicate with you.
Branches are affiliated to the Knitting & Crochet Guild. Each has one or more Branch Co-ordinators who have to be member of the Guild.
Please give us the name(s) and contact details (email, phone) of the person or people who organise your group. This information will used to help us manage our relationship with your group, but will not appear on the internet unless you repeat it in the "Contacts" section.
Unless this is a new group, please give the name already listed on the website. If the group is not already listed, please put "New".
New name for the Branch or Local Group. If the name hasn't changed, put "No change".
All crafts now supported by your group. If any have changed, please select ALL that now apply.
Please give the address(es) at which you meet. Include the postcode (this will be used to mark the meeting place on our map). If you meet virtually, state "Virtual".
Special information (for example move to temporary address). This will be highlighted near the top of your entry.
Use this to tell prospective attendees about your group. It is your chance to "sell" what you do.
Please provide any information that people may need to get to your meetings. Include any accessibility issues.
Specify membership fees, meeting fees or other costs that those attending might have to pay. If you do not charge but your venue expects people to buy drinks, please say so here.
Please provide the pattern(s) for you meetings together with the times.
List as many contacts points as you need. For each, please provide a name together with at least one of email address or phone number. List all, even if only one has changed. These details will be visible to anyone using the internet.
You may list several online sources of information about your group. In each case, please give a title for the access and the URL to reach that source. E.g Our Facebook Page, https://facebook.com/mygroup