Our Museums, collections and other places to visit page tries to help you by listing places of interest. We are not always told when there are changes, new places open or old ones close. So please help us by filling in the form below to help us keep up to date.

We especially welcome updates by people who are responsible for managing venues such as museums, collections and other places to visit.

Please note that we reserve the right to edit your proposal when we update the page, and we may choose not to publish it. By submitting this form or passing us any supporting media you confirm that you grant us an unlimited and perpetual licence to use the media on our website and social media and to modify its format to make it compatible with the tools we use.

This is the email address that you would like us to reply to.
If you would like us to contact you by telephone, please put your phone number here.
Please us know your relationship with the venue.
Tell us whether you are telling us about somewhere not already on our page, updating a current entry or telling us that somewhere has closed.
This will form the headline for the listing.
This lets us know whether we should update an entry or create a new one
Please give us the street address(es) of the place you are describing
Phone number we should use or publish for contacting the venue (if you know it).
The email address for the venue (if you know it)
Please include website and other URLs that you know for the venue
A brief outline of the key topics covered by the venue and their relevance
Please paste links to images that you would like us to use to illustrate the entry on our website. By placing an entry here you give us permission to download a copy of the image(s) and to publish it/them on our website.
Opening times or visiting arrangements to show on our website