Topics about learning machine knitting

Health and Safety around knitting machines

Generally, knitting machines and their accessories do not pose a great risk to health or safety. Sensible measures and precautions can mitigate the risks that do exist. Supervision at varying levels is required for younger or less experienced users.

We recommend that you take time to read the information below. As well as the risk of injury to you and others, you risk damaging your machine if these guidelines are not followed.


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Helping Hands

The following people are prepared to show/teach people how to machine knit. Some may make a charge for doing so, and the standard of the tuition has not been checked.…

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Free Patterns

Free Patterns Following the merger of the Guild of Machine Knitters with the Knitting & Crochet Guild (in May 2019), Jane Harrisson and Lidia Higson kindly agreed that these patterns…

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