Topics about learning machine knitting
Generally, knitting machines and their accessories do not pose a great risk to health or safety. Sensible measures and precautions can mitigate the risks that do exist. Supervision at varying levels is required for younger or less experienced users.
We recommend that you take time to read the information below. As well as the risk of injury to you and others, you risk damaging your machine if these guidelines are not followed.
The following people are prepared to show/teach people how to machine knit. Some may make a charge for doing so, and the standard of the tuition has not been checked.…
So, you have decided you want to buy a knitting machine? Before you go any further, read the page About knitting machines. If you are completely new to machine knitting,…
Do you have a knitting machine to dispose of? You could either sell it or donate it to charity. Whichever you decide, it should be as complete as possible and…
Free Patterns Following the merger of the Guild of Machine Knitters with the Knitting & Crochet Guild (in May 2019), Jane Harrisson and Lidia Higson kindly agreed that these patterns…
Each make and model of knitting machine works in a slightly different way, although patterns written for one can be used by another relatively easily in most cases. This means…
The history of machine knitting begins in 1589, in the time of Queen Elizabeth I, long before the steam-powered industrial revolution got underway. The knitting frames devised by William Lee…
Sometimes (as in the example below), the pattern on the punchcard or patterncard visually resembles the stitch pattern you will see when you use it. In other cases, there appears…
The information below is intended to give a brief overview of how a knitting machine works, and what it can typically do. It is not intended to replace the instruction…