How do I login to the website?
You log on to the website using the email address and password that you use for Sheep. Please remember that wherever you are on the website, when you log in you will be returned to the home page, so it is best to log in before you follow any links ...

I cannot login
You need to login to see member-only content on our website. This Help article is intended to help you if you cannot login ...

I follow a link from Facebook but can’t see member-only information
If you are using the Facebook app on a mobile device, following a link uses Facebook's own browser to show you the page. You can login to the website to see member-only information. After you login, use the "go back" browser control three times to see the page you were ...

I have logged in but cannot see member-only information
Although you have logged through Sheep, our membership system has not identified you as a current member. Please try again in a few minutes ...
Screen too bright?
Use the moon at the bottom of the screen to change between light background dark background e the moon at the bottom of the screen to change between Go back after login ...

Where do I find …?
We have organised our website to align with our aims of Sharing knowledge & skills, encouraging creativity and preserving the heritage of our crafts. Our main menu topics are: Sharing, Creating and Preserving, supported by The Guild and Help ...

Where is the menu?
The menu is at the top of each page, below our logo. It might appear as a line of options or as three stacked horizontal bars ...