In 1920, the spinners J & J Baldwin and Partners and John Paton, Son & Co merged, creating Patons & Baldwins. The separate companies had been publishing knitting patterns, using their own knitting wools, since around 1912, and carried on doing so after the merger. In 1961 Patons & Baldwins Ltd merged with J & P Coats Ltd, and the Patons brand continues to this day, using the Baldwins ‘Beehive’ symbol. The company is now part of The DMC Group. We were delighted to accept the Patons pattern archive into the Guild’s collection in 2014.
The DMC Group has generously given the Guild permission to copy publications that are still in copyright (but no longer current). Some of the Patons pattern booklets can be downloaded from this page. You will find brochures of pattern leaflets published by P&B, and catalogues compiled from scans of leaflets in the Guild collection, under ‘Patons Leaflet Catalogues’.

Beehive Booklet No. 23

Beehive Suits, Dresses, Blouses

Festival Knitting Book

Patons 154 – Aran Book

Patons 167 – First Steps in Crochet

Patons 186 – All Time Greats

Patons 199 – Sports Book

Patons 200 – Trendy Kids