Here are issues of several magazines published before the Second World War.
Needlework For All was a monthly magazine published by the London Guild of Needlework, from 1909.
Needlecraft Practical Journal was published from the 1890s by Wm. Briggs & Co., a cotton spinning company in Manchester – hence it focussed on patterns for the company’s cotton yarns.
Several titles were published under the Leach’s brand from the later 19th century – the Home Needlework series appeared around the First World War.
Weldon’s Practical Needlework was published as a monthly magazine, from 1886. There were several sub-series, including Practical Knitting and Practical Crochet. The early issues were kept in print, sometimes for many years, so the ads don’t always correspond to the original publication date. In the 20th century, Weldon’s also published other series of booklets, as well as pattern leaflets.
Note that Stitchcraft magazine issues from the 1930s are on the ‘Stitchcraft magazines & booklets’ page. The Lady’s World Fancy Work Book, a quarterly magazine published from 1906 until the 1920s, also has its own page.

Fair Isle Knitting Made Easy

Good Needlework – March 1937

Jumpers and Sports Wear

Leach’s Home Needlework No. 10

Leach’s Home Needlework No. 4

Leach’s Knitted Wear for Men

Leach’s Newest Jumpers

Leach’s Smart Jumpers

Needle-work for All No. 58, 1914

Needlecraft Practical Journal No. 110

Needlecraft Practical Journal No. 183