During World War II, many people in the UK knitted woollies for the troops – as well as for women in various uniformed services. In the early part of the war, spinners, magazines and others published booklets and leaflets of suitable patterns. Here is a selection of booklets to download, and catalogues of leaflets that can be obtained on request by emailing collections@kcguild.org.uk
Note that copies of these publications are for the personal use of Guild members only.

Bestway Knitting No. 74
A booklet of "Woollies for Wardens and Shelter Knitwear", jumpers, jackets, gloves and other warm clothing for men and women. (15 pages) ...

Catalogue of Pattern Leaflets from spinners
Assorted leaflets for the services, published by a range of spinners. A catalogue of leaflets held by the Guild archive ...

Copley’s “Service Necessities for Women”
A range of patterns for the garments illustrated on the cover. (19 pages) ...

Forces’ Knitting Book
Published by Good Housekeeping during WW2, probably in late 1939. (36 pages) ...

Jaeger S1007
A 4-page booklet of service patterns, including a sleeping bag. (Worn but legible.) ...

Lister 802
A booklet of knits for men in the services - jerseys, scarves, socks,mittens, etc. (8 pages) ...

Sirdar 767
A booklet of "Service Woollies for Women". Gloves, socks, jumper, scarf, underwear, and the helmet shown on the cover. (11 pages) ...

Women’s Service Woollies
A Lister's pattern booklet with knitted garments for women in all the uniformed services. (12 pages) ...

Woollies for our Sailors, Soldiers & Airmen
Published in October 1939. 16 patterns for socks, gloves, mittens, cardigans and pullovers, and of course a Balaclava. Useful basic garments for men. (16 pages) ...

WW2 service patterns
Pattern leaflets for garments for the services, published by Patons & Baldwins in WW2 ...